Software maintenance and support team
The dedicated software development team model can benefit any business. One of the main reasons is a very simple and transparent pricing structure. Also, this is related to accessing the best tech specialists in particular areas. So if you’re interested in the efficient solving of this task, CyberCraft’s team is at your service. We build your own team of top software maintenance experts. Support your IT solutions in an effective & cost-efficient way.

Software maintenance and support by tech experts
When your project requires post-development services, CyberCraft can provide these vital functions to you. We will provide a dedicated team of expert engineers that specialize exclusively in software maintenance and support. Long-term and reliable cooperation, as well as cost and time efficiency are the main assets of such working model. Avoid overloading your helpdesk with routine maintenance tasks. Instead, leave the time for new product development.
IT support services we offer
First Service Adaptive
Modify the system adapting to changes in software environment. Your hired IT support specialists can help you to change hardware configurations, data formats and integrate software with new technologies and operating systems.
Second Service Perfective
We can hire experts to implement new or modify existing user requirements related to functional software enhancements. Updates to new versions, feature improvements and functionality addition – we provide all those technical support services as far as you need them.
Third Service Corrective
Customly hired software support specialists will diagnose and fix possible errors found by users. They will provide various IT support services such as design bugs fixing, dealing with coding or semantic bugs when they arise.
Fourth Service Preventive
Your software support engineers will take actions to prevent problems based on customer feedback & past incidents. In such way, you can make your software more maintainable & stable.
Why deliver software maintenance and support to us?
By outsourcing software maintenance and support to a remote partner, your team can focus on primary tasks and business objectives. Professional software support specialists will improve the product efficiency, reduce the cost of ownership and let you concentrate on the core processes and development of the new systems.
With CyberCraft, you don’t have to spend long hours searching for a professional software support team, as we build it up for you.

Services we offer
Application maintenance
Performance monitoring
Technical troubleshooting
Error tracking and debugging
Performance and QA testing
Comprehensive user support
Documentation development & maintenance
Version upgrades and enhancements
Post-release and helpdesk support