About the project
In Productz you can view any digital device’s characteristics, reviews, photos, and price. Also, the main feature is the product comparison: here you can compare two devices in great detail, as well as view various videos or articles related to the comparison of these two devices.
Also, Productz has a large dataset of devices so that you can find almost every model. Moreover, in this platform, all devices are divided into categories and sub-categories, so you can easily find the set of devices you are looking for.
To sum up, if you want to find the most suitable device for your needs – Productz is the best solution.
Productz provides a large amount of data about any digital device. Therefore, their main customers are users who want to find the most suitable device, read a lot of information about it, or choose the best one from those they compare.
Challenges that was faced and overcame

Technologies used
Our experienced engineers employ the latest technologies, frameworks, and components to create solution that combine a strong easy-to-use modern design with high performance.

Team Structure

Value delivered
To speed up extracting and filtering data according to parameters, we used various tools that helped us reach the expected results.
We improved existing SQL queries so that they work faster. For example, we speeded up a SQL query that took 8 seconds to 0.625 ms.
Also, we have configured ElasticSearch for caching and data uploading and Redis for fast data retrieval. These tools are the best solution to this problem because they store the data in the cache and for the next requests fetch it from the cache, not from the database, which makes displaying the data to the user much faster.

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